Sunday, November 10, 2019

Winds of Change - a Free Tutorial

My birthplace is in the Netherlands, a land well known for its windmills.  I

 was a young girl of 6 when I came to Canada with my parents and 2 siblings, and have only been back to the country of my birth once. But I remember the windmills.

The stamp set "Winds of Change" in the annual catalogue, immediately caught my attention, but I waited until after my craft show before getting it. Here's the  first card I made.

The tutorial is free.

Stamp:  Winds of Change, Sailing Home
Inks:  Black Memento
          Sky:  Seabreeze Spray, Balmy Blue, Blueberry Bushel - apply with Brayer
          Windmill:  Crushed Curry, Soft Suede and Early Espresso watercolour pencils, blended with a             blender pen
          Tulips:  Lovely Lipstick watercolour pencil and Stampin' Blend, Old Olive, and Garden Green

  • Lovely Lipstick 4 1/4 by 5 1/2" scored at 4 1/4" to make an A2 top folding card base
  • Lovely Lipstick 3 1/2 by 5" - mat for focal image
  • Whisper White 4 by 5 1/4" (2 Pieces) - one to layer on front card base  and other  inside
  • Whisper White 3 1/4 by 4 5/8"  - mat for focal image
  • Whisper White 3 by 4 3/8"  - focal image
  • Lovely Lipstick DSP 1 1/4 by 5 1/4" - to adhere across 4 by 5 1/4" Whisper White
  • Lovely Lipstick DSP 1/4 by 4" to adhere to inside piece of Whisper White
  • Lovely Lipstick card stock 1/8" by 4" to adhere next to DSP on inside Whisper White
  • Brayer
  • Blender Pen
  • Glitter Crystal Effects
  • Dimensionals
  • Post it note for masking
Putting the Card Together:
  1. Fold Lovely Lipstick card base and burnish fold with a bone folder.
  2. Mat with 4 by 5 1/4" piece of Whisper White which has 1 1/4 by 5" piece of Lovely lipstick DSP adhered horizontally across the middle.  Set aside this completed card front.
  3. Stamp image  using Black Memento onto 3 by 4 5/8" piece of Whisper White card stock. Stamp image  onto a post it note and  cut out  outline of windmill and silhouette of tulip tops. Adhere it to the stamped image on the Whisper White piece.
  4. With a brayer, apply these colours, Seabreeze spray, Balmy Blue, and Blueberry Bushel starting with the lightest colours near the horizon.
  5. Colour windmill and tulips
  6. Stamp birds from "Sailing Home" stamp set, and sentiment with Black memento ink - in the sky.
  7. Sponge edges of focal image with Blueberry Bushel ink
  8. Mat image piece with 3 1/4 by 4 5/8" of Whisper White
  9. Mat this with 3 1/2" by 5" piece of Lovely lipstick.
  10. Add this to the card front using dimensionals.
  11. Inside:  Adhere strips of DSP and DSP to one  end  of the 4 by 5 1/4" of Whisper White inside piece and adhere to the inside of the card.  Stamp sentiment of choice.
  12. Add Crystal Effects to tulip flowers only.

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