Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Have you seen the moon??

Call it a red moon, a blue moon, a purple moon, blood moon, but it was a special sight on Jan. 31, 2017.  I missed it but I have talked to people who have seen it.

Three separate celestial events occurred simultaneously that night, resulting in what is called a super blood moon eclipse - a full moon closest to the Earth on its orbit, the second full moon in a month ( a rarity apparently), accompanied by a total lunar eclipse..  This astronomical rarity hasn't happened for more than 150 years.

A lunar eclipse in 2015. The moon will once again be a special sight on Jan. 31, 2018.
Because of the way the light filters through the atmosphere during an eclipse, blue light is bounced away from the moon, while red light is reflected. The eclipsed moon's reddish color earned it the nickname blood moon.

I have also heard this moon referred to as the wolf moon.

Interesting, no???

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