Friday, July 5, 2019

Team Meeting July, 2019

One of my team members moved a considerable distance away (3 hours north) and because I did not want to lose touch with her and at the same time want her to feel that she was very much a member of my team, I arranged a 'road trip' with my other team members.

Three out of 5 were able to go. We all piled in one car and had a wonderful drive. It was a beautiful sunny day (although very hot), the traffic was light, and we made the 3 hour trip in about 2 1/2 hours (even with a pit stop).

Each one of us was to bring a make and take and an item of food. In the picture below you see the result of our efforts.

We had a marvelous time. Below are the 3 of us (I'm the blonde) at the end of a wonderful day.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting and food 

No photo description available.

As you can see we made some gorgeous looking make and takes.  Yes, we did make the rose!
Thank you Sharon for your hospitality.

We have made plans to get together for the September meeting as well as On Stage in November.

1 comment:

Art-Ings Creations said...

So grateful you made the trip. Looking forward to September. Lots of fun!!!