Sunday, April 9, 2017

On Stage Toronto

Tomorrow is the big day, and rather than get up at 4 a.m. and fight Toronto traffic my downline and I decided to leave today and stay in a hotel downtown near the site of the event.

We left Peterborough just after lunch, and driving down the 115 the scenery looked like a Christmas scene, with a heavy wet snowfall covering tree branches bending some of them almost to the ground. 

This is April??

More snow is expected tonight.

We were both disappointed in the Howard Johnson Hotel. Although it was in a good location, it was old and somewhat decrepit, with no parking anywhere around the location.  The manager did manage to find us a spot next to the hotel for a fee of $12. After the wonderful hotel we stayed in during the On Stage event in Ottawa, this hotel was definitely a let down.

However, supper at "Cardinal Rule" was an adventure and right across the road from the hotel.

This quirky diner with a 40's décor setting had on its menu a cornucopia of cozy, casual, inventive comfort foot, with vegan and gluten free options. It had the unusual name of "Cardinal Rule"

The menu was given to you on a clip board and the service given by Stella, the waitress was exceptional

The unique décor consisted of brightly coloured collage covered tables, unique water bottles, a vintage looking bar with original taps.

Our plan was to arrive at the On Stage site by 7:30 in the morning so that we could get our swapping done.  However, when we got there a huge number of excited demonstrators were already there. As soon as we were registered, we began swapping our cards. Within a half hour the swapping was done.  I now have 80 card samples from which to draw inspiration from. It was a bit of frenetic activity.

There were wonderful presentations, prize patrols, and of course the make and takes, none of which I can post right now.

What I can post is a picture of my wonderful downline (who did all the driving) and a friend from south of the border who kept calling us her "Canadian friends"
The drive home was better than the drive down.  No snow, and lots of sunshine.  We made good time and I was home and collapsed on the couch by 7 pm.

Now, for next year!!

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